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  • Writer's pictureAdam Chavez

Spring Break

During Spring Break I had to work the whole week but i do have some pictures from where I work. I work at Irvine Park so i get to see a lot of trees and great sceneries.

#1 On the day I went to the park there was not a lot of people so it was a good day to go.

Me and my brother started to go mountain biking on this mountain and when we got to the top i just felt like i had to take a picture of the view.

#2 This picture was taken when i went to Yellowstone National Park and this was the very first picture i took when i was over there.The view was very nice and the sunset was very pretty you really can't miss it.

#3 We went to the beach this day and I really like how the water looked. I took this picture because it was a very pretty day and it was very nice outside. I wanted to take a picture of the waves at its peak and i thought it looked cool.

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